Spin: Fall for nothing

Spin: Fall for nothing

  I wanted to do a little tribute to the changing of the seasons in the name of this class, and as I created the choreography I realized that I was adding a lot of work standing up out of the saddle. I used the “If you don’t stand for something,...
Spin: Like father, like son

Spin: Like father, like son

When I think of riding bikes, I think of my dad. He was there to push me when my training wheels came off, and he was there to push me through my first 150-mile fundraiser ride. He definitely played an integral role in instilling in me the competitive drive and the...
Spin: The 12 Labors

Spin: The 12 Labors

This being an Olympic year, I wanted to do a class that tied in a little bit with the Games… but I didn’t want to do something totally cheesy. After a little research on the history of the Olympic Games and their origins, I decided to theme the class...
Spin: Totally ’90s (1990-1993)

Spin: Totally ’90s (1990-1993)

This was the first in what will be a three-class series dedicated to the music of the 1990s. The early ’90s were the focus of this playlist, and to keep with the theme I added a 90-minute option for people who wanted to ride for an extra half hour.
Spin: Seattle Summer Sounds ’16

Spin: Seattle Summer Sounds ’16

One of the coolest parts of living in Seattle is getting a chance to see so many amazing musical acts in person, and summer is one of the best times to experience the vibrant musical scene here. This class was my way of celebrating some of the fun acts that Seattle...